Our work

Our Work

We recognize the importance of connecting employees’ efforts in their daily work to making an impact in our community.  In addition to supporting the local community through donations, ATI teammates donate their time and efforts to help 
the communities where they live.

Impacting Our Community

United Way Volunteering Day of Caring

Trident United Way Days of Caring

ATI teammates participated in than annual event that brings together volunteers to improve our communities.

We believe we have a social responsibility to the community – our employees, our families and friends, our neighbors and society as a whole. We also have fundraisers and volunteering events each year to support a variety of different causes. Investing in our team, our community, and in national imperatives are core elements of our Corporate Citizenship program. Our Corporate Citizenship efforts harness both our individual and collective power for positive change to our team, our community, and our nation.

Volunteer Time Off

We encourage employees to be involved and support local communities by volunteering their time, knowledge, and service with paid volunteer leave at organizations that they’re passionate about. Trident United Way, the Lowcountry Food Bank, the Berkeley County Animal Shelter, Katie’s Krops, and Jerry Zucker Middle School of Science are just a few examples of where our teammates spend their VTO beautifying landscapes, packing food boxes for distribution, and caring for the local community.

South Carolina Oyster Restoration Program (SCORE) at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR)

ATI volunteers spent a day working at this facility located on James Island, constructing oyster reef habitat structures that will provide environmental benefits for years to come in the form of erosion mitigation of marsh banks.

Charitable Giving Program

Donation to Camp Happy Days

The ATI team presented a donation to Camp Happy Days, which offers children diagnosed with cancer and their families cost-free year-round programs, events, and crisis resources. The ATI team nominates worthy organizations who are significantly impacting our communities for charitable donations.

ATI has long been a proponent of giving back and making investments that benefit those around us. ATI created its Charitable Giving Program to support the local community through donations to nonprofits in the area. In addition to encouraging ATI teammates to donate their time and efforts to help our community, the Charitable Giving program provides financial support to nonprofits, driven by employee feedback.  ATI’s recent charitable donations have focused on supporting organizations that benefit the military and veterans, the environment, healthcare efforts, children and youth or college and career readiness, basic human needs, and animal rescue and rehabilitations.

South Carolina HBCU

and Technical College Engagement

Day One Intern & Mentors Program

ATI held an event to kick off a nine-month virtual mentorship and a one-week immersion internship experience between participating students from several of South Carolina's Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Trident Technical College, along with members of the SC-based cyber and information technology industry.

ATI supports workforce development initiatives throughout the state of South Carolina. In 2022 and 2023, we introduced underrepresented minority students from SC historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and Trident Technical College (TTC) to the opportunities presented by the cyber security and computer science profession, in an effort to increase their representation in the field, and to create a pipeline of talent that benefits both job seekers and employers. In 2024, we are expanding the program to all disciplines and creating cross-functional teams that will work to solve real-world problems.